Just A Bit About Me....

My photo
Kitchener, ON, Canada
Well I'm the typical fat girl that everyone has as a friend. I'm funny, Sexy, Smart, and never a threat. I am on a journey to lose weight ( a lot of it!) and become the best Mummy to my son that I can be!... I'm sure there will be several times I stumble and fall, but follow me as I pick myself up, and continue along my way!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Good, The Bad, and The Very Very Ugly..


That's SOOOOOOooooOOOO not my bathroom, that is one of the NICER bathrooms I encountered in Egypt! LOL

It was just one of those weeks. I am feeling so much stress from work (yick) and from trying to lose weight (double yick) and I ended up just being worn out by Wednesday. So I left work at lunch, and took Thursday off too. Let's hear it for "Mental Health Days"! WOOHOO

I can honestly say I feel So much better!

I lost 1.2 this week, and I feel okay with that, not great, not bad, just okay.

I have to focus this week, I have to track, go to the gym consistently, and really really give it 100%!

It's fairly funny. Today at Weight Watchers a lady said how hard it is for her, she has about 80 pounds to lose... she's where I was when I started at WW. She said it seems like so much that she sees it as unattainable, and if she only had 30 to lose she'd be laughing. Meanwhile, when I had 80 to go I found it so easy, and now that I'm at just under 30 to go, I'm lost, I feel daunted, like it's just too far away now.

It also doesn't help when my family and some friends keep telling me I've lost enough, and I should be happy where I'm at.

If you want to get to Italy, would you take a plane to England and say, well that's close enough, so I'm good here ?

Okay perhaps that's not the best example, but C'mon people! A little encouragement! LOL

So we'll see how this week goes.. hoping to get back into the 170's.... I think I can!

Hope you all have had a fabulous losing week!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks! I think I need a Mental Health Month. I'm going through the same thing right now. And everyone continues to tell me how "too skinny" isn't attractive.
    Good job on losing this week. I gained but determined to do better this week.

    Have a good week
