Just A Bit About Me....

My photo
Kitchener, ON, Canada
Well I'm the typical fat girl that everyone has as a friend. I'm funny, Sexy, Smart, and never a threat. I am on a journey to lose weight ( a lot of it!) and become the best Mummy to my son that I can be!... I'm sure there will be several times I stumble and fall, but follow me as I pick myself up, and continue along my way!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Not feeling it... read to the end.. there is some drama in there!

Okay kiddies, 

First of all I am very sorry that I've waited so long to post! I don't know what's gotten into me.. I come here daily and read everyone's posts, I just couldn't summon the energy to do one myself.. 

I'm not feeling it tonight. Don't get me wrong, I'm feeling the eating properly.. I'm feeling the working out, I'm feeling the losing weight.. I'm just not feeling something and I can't put my finger on what it is.. 

I've been working myself out really hard... Today was a easier work out, only because I did a ton of squats and the DAMNED stair climber yesterday, and now I am in huge pain! I shall go to the gym again tomorrow as planned, so that equals 6 out of 7 days, ....... *sigh*... hope it pays off this week! 

I changed up my foods this week, I am back to eating salad for 2 meals (with at least 4 oz of protein, whether it's fish or chicken)... and I have upped my veggie intake. Will I see positive results? Or will I be disappointed again.. okay disappointed is the wrong word, but I just wish the results were bigger, and I was at my 10% goal already!  This will give you an idea. Egg white omelette for breakfast, yogurt and oatmeal at break, salmon and salad at lunch, almonds and cottage cheese at another break, and now chicken breast with brussel sprouts and salad for supper.. (there was also some soy milk in there too.... and carrots... ).... good good girl!


Okay so here's a great drama mama story... 

Recently a guy that I have known for years (he was my first date, and kiss.. ever... !!!) and I have been chatting up a storm... when I was going through a hard time with my ex last year, this fellow took me out for a pitcher of beer and we just talked, all plutonic. However when my ex and I broke up, this fellow and I rekindled our flame a bit.. So anyway he went and got a girlfriend in November, so we chatted less, until 2 weeks ago, when he told me they had broken up and he hoped we could go out. So I told him I'd mull it over, realizing my cowboy may never realize how into him I am, I agreed to go out with this dude. So I sent him a birthday wish via text message last week. No response.. hmm strange.. 2 days later I got a text asking "who is this"... not so strange (he shares his cell with his father, it's a work cell, so I figured his dad deleted my number, or was the one who was texting me.), so I texted back "it's kirsti silly".. no response.. so an hour later I texted "I take it that's not the answer you were hoping for! lol" ... 
So on Sunday I was sitting in my house with my girlfriend, and he phoned.. I giggled and told her who it was, and took the call. . here is how the call went.. 

Him in Red Me in Green
"It's Stephen"
"Hey there! How are you?"
"Kirsti I need to talk to you"
"um.. Okay..."
"Kirsti I've been lying to you..."
"uh.. Okay...?"
"Remember the girl I was dating?.... I'm still with her"
"And actually, we're engaged"
"And..." (Interrupted by me here...)
"Well Stephen, you know what this means? Our friendship is over."

So to all you married, engaged, or taken men out there... Stop trying to make me your homewrecker!!!

Oh and BTW... strange text asking me who I was.. that was his fiancee! I'm thinking he's in some shit now! Good!
Maybe this is why I'm feeling off.. I just don't know. .. ... ... 
Oh well.. tomorrow may be better!
Got a date this weekend with a Greek boy! Hmmm... I'm really looking forward to it!
Take care, I'll post again soon! 

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