Just A Bit About Me....

My photo
Kitchener, ON, Canada
Well I'm the typical fat girl that everyone has as a friend. I'm funny, Sexy, Smart, and never a threat. I am on a journey to lose weight ( a lot of it!) and become the best Mummy to my son that I can be!... I'm sure there will be several times I stumble and fall, but follow me as I pick myself up, and continue along my way!

Monday, January 12, 2009

I'm feeling more positive now!

Well I had a hell of a workout.. and talked to my Mum.. she's the best!!!
I can only do what I can do.. and I need to remember that.. I'm not superwoman, and I really try waaaayyyy too hard to please everyone and make people happy.. I need to start putting that amount of effort into pleasing myself, making myself happy, and being the best person I can really be!
I want to be that girl with the smile on her face, that people know is a happy person. I want to be "That Girl" ... the one that everyone loves to be around.. but I need all that inner healing to happen.. and then it'll happen with out even trying.... 

What a journey 2009 is going to be.. I'm looking forward to every step!! :)

1 comment:

  1. You sound positive today! Everyday is a new day to be positive (in a normal, balanced way- staying in touch with reality and not being positive when your car broke down and your foot is broken and you have to crutch it to the bus stop 5 blocks away...) and to look at life through a lighter heart!
